This website is owned and operated by Barrenjoey Capital Partners Group Pty Limited (ACN 640 529 228) and its related bodies corporate, including Barrenjoey Advisory Pty Limited (ACN 636 976 228) (AFSL 521801) and Barrenjoey Markets Pty Limited (ACN 636 976 059) (AFSL 521800) (“Barrenjoey”, “we’, “us” and “our”).
This website is directed at persons accessing the website from within Australia and Abu Dhabi Global Market. There are laws in other countries which may restrict information we are permitted to provide on this website. Accordingly, Barrenjoey does not make any representation that the use of information on this website is appropriate for use in other locations or that access to the content to the website from other locations is not prohibited. Persons who chose to access this website from other locations do so at their own risk.
This website is only for the use of persons who are (i) wholesale clients within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (or their representatives); and (ii) ‘Market Counterparties’ as defined in the Glossary module of the Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Regulatory Authority Rulebook.